Educational Blog: Computer Algorithm
Showing posts with label Computer Algorithm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Algorithm. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Rabin Karp

#define d 10
voidRabinKarpStringMatch(char *, char *, int);
void main()
char *Text, *Pattern;
int Number = 11; //Prime Number
printf("\nEnter Text String : ");
printf("\nEnter Pattern String : ");


voidRabinKarpStringMatch(char *Text, char *Pattern, int Number)
intM,N,h,P=0,T=0, TempT, TempP;
       M = strlen(Pattern);
       N = strlen(Text);
       h = (int)pow(d,M-1) % Number;
            P = ((d*P) + ((int)Pattern[i])) % Number;
            TempT = ((d*T) + ((int)Text[i]));
            T =  TempT % Number;
if(Text[i+j] != Pattern[j])
if(j == M)
printf("\nPattern Found at Position :  %d",i+1);
TempT=((d*(T - Text[i]*h)) + ((int)Text[i+M]));
        T = TempT % Number;

Divide and Conquer

#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

int tempmax, tempmin;

int* maxmin(const int list[], const int low, const int high, int max, int min)
    int mid,max1,min1;
    static int maxAndMin[2]; // to hold the max and min value of list
    if (low == high)
        max = list[low];
        min = list[low];
    else if (low == high-1)
        if (list[low] < list[high])
            tempmax = getMax(tempmax, list[high]);
            tempmin = getMin(tempmin, list[low]);
            tempmax = getMax(tempmax, list[low]);
            tempmin = getMin(tempmin, list[high]);
       mid = (low + high) / 2;
       max1 = list[mid+1];
       min1 = list[mid+1];
       maxmin(list, low, mid, max, min);
       maxmin(list, mid+1, high, max1, min1);
       tempmax = getMax(tempmax, max1);
       tempmin = getMin(tempmin, min1);
    maxAndMin[0] = tempmax;
    maxAndMin[1] = tempmin;
    return maxAndMin;
int getMax(int first, int second)
    return first > second ? first : second;
int getMin(int  first, int second)
    return  first < second ?  first : second;
int main(void)
    int list[] = {10, 23, 24, 56, 67, 78, 90};
    int *values;
    int size = ARRAY_SIZE(list);
    tempmax = tempmin = list[0];
    values = maxmin(list, 0, size-1, list[0], list[0]);
    printf("The maximum value is = %2d \n", *values);
    printf("The minimum value is = %2d \n", *(values+1));
    return 0;

0/1 Knapsack problem

#define MAX 20

int max(int,int);
void backtracking();
int weight[MAX],value[MAX],W,no,*x;
int v[MAX][MAX];
void main()
printf("\n Enter number of Object you want:");
printf("\n Enter weight and values in ascending order of vales");;
printf("\n Enter Weight and Value for Object %d:",i);
scanf("%d %d",&weight[i],&value[i]);
printf("\n Enter knapsack Capacity:");
voidknapsackDP(intno,int W)

for(i=0;i<= W ;i++)
for(i=0;i<= no;i++)
for(i=1;i<= no;i++)
for(j=1;j<= W;j++)
if((j-weight[i])< 0)
printf("\n \t      ");
for(i=0;i<= W;i++)
printf("%2d  ",i);
printf("\n w%d=%2d v%d=%2d |",i,weight[i],i,value[i]);
for(j=0;j<= W;j++)
printf("%2d  ",v[i][j]);

printf("\n Maximum value carry by knapsack is:%2d",v[no][W]);
int max(inta,int b)
return (a >b)?a:b;
void backtracking()
int j1,i;
printf("\nIncluded Object \t weight \t value");
  if(v[i][j1]!=v[i-1][j1] && (v[i][j1]==v[i-1][j1-weight[i]]+value[i]))
printf("\n%2d \t\t\t  %2d   \t\t %2d",i,weight[i],value[i]);


Making Change Solution

#include <stdio.h>

int change(float total, int *hundred, int *fifty, int *twenty, int *ten, int *five, int *one);
void print(float total, int hundred, int fifty, int twenty, int ten, int five, int one);

int main(void)
             int hundred,fifty, twenty, ten, five, one,sum=0;
             float total;
             printf("\nPlease enter an amount of money: \n");
             scanf("%f", &total);
             change(total,&hundred, &fifty, &twenty, &ten, &five, &one);
             print(total, hundred, fifty, twenty, ten, five, one);
             printf("No of cions are:%d ",sum);

int change(float total, int *hundred, int *fifty, int *twenty, int *ten, int *five, int *one)
            if( total >= 100.00)
                        *hundred =(total /100.00);
            if( total >= 50.00 )
                        *fifty = (total- (*hundred * 100.00))/50.00;
             if( total >= 20.00 )
                        *twenty = (total - (*hundred * 100.00)- (*fifty * 50.00)) / 20.00;
             if( total >= 10.00 )
*ten = (total - (*hundred * 100.00) - (*fifty * 50.00) - (*twenty *     20.00)) / 10.00;
             if( total >= 5.00 )
*five = (total - (*hundred * 100.00) - (*fifty * 50.00) - (*twenty * 20.00) - (*ten * 10.00)) / 5.00;
            if( total >= 1.00 )
*one = (total - (*hundred * 100.00) - (*fifty * 50.00) - (*twenty * 20.00) - (*ten * 10.00)-(*five * 5)) / 1.00;
                        return 0;
void print(float total, int hundred, int fifty, int twenty, int ten, int five ,int one)
            printf("\nTOTAL VALUE ENTERED: Rs %.2f", total);
            printf("\n%3d No of 100 Rs coin \n", hundred);
            printf("\n%3d  No of 50 Rs coin \n", fifty);
            printf("\n%3d No of 20 Rs coin \n", twenty);
            printf("\n%3d No of 10 Rs coin \n", ten);
            printf("\n%3d No of 5 Rs coin \n", five);
           printf("\n%3d No of 1 Rs coin \n", one);

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Insertion Sort Algorithm

   void insertion(int a[],int n) 
            int i,j,x,k; 
               while(a[j-1]>x && j>0) 
    void main() 
                  int a[100],n,i; 
                  printf("\n\nEnter an integer value for total no.s of elements to be sorted: "); 
                         printf("\n\nEnter an integer value for element no.%d: ",i+1); 
                    printf("\n\n\nFinally sorted array is : "); 


The best case occurs if the array is already sorted. For each j = 2, 3, ..., n, we find that A[i] less than or equal to the key when i has its initial value of (j − 1). In other words, when i = j −1, always find the key A[i] upon the first time the WHILE loop is run.
Therefore, tj = 1 for j = 2, 3, ..., n and the best-case running time can be computed using equation (1) as follows:

T(n) = c1n + c2 (n − 1) + c4 (n − 1) + c5 ∑2 ≤ j n (1) + c62 ≤ j n (1 − 1) + c72 ≤ j n (1 − 1) + c8 (n − 1)

T(n) = c1n + c2 (n − 1) + c4 (n − 1) + c5 (n − 1) + c8 (n − 1)

T(n) = (c1 + c2 + c4  + c5  + c8 ) n + (c2  + c4  + c5  + c8)

This running time can be expressed as an + b for constants a and b that depend on the statement costs ci. Therefore, T(n) it is a linear function of n.

The punch line here is that the while-loop in line 5 executed only once for each j. This happens if given array A is already sorted.

T(n) = an + b = O(n)

It is a linear function of n.


The worst-case occurs if the array is sorted in reverse order i.e., in decreasing order. In the reverse order, we always find that A[i] is greater than the key in the while-loop test. So, we must compare each element A[j] with each element in the entire sorted subarray A[1 .. j − 1] and so tj = j for j = 2, 3, ..., n. Equivalently, we can say that since the while-loop exits because i reaches to 0, there is one additional test after (j − 1) tests. Therefore, tj = j for j = 2, 3, ..., n and the worst-case running time can be computed using equation (1) as follows:

T(n) = c1n + c2 (n − 1) + c4  (n − 1) + c5 ∑2 ≤ j n ( j ) + c62 ≤ j n(j − 1) + c72 ≤ j n(j − 1) + c8 (n − 1)

And using the summations in CLRS on page 27, we have

T(n) = c1n + c2 (n − 1) + c4  (n − 1) + c5 ∑2 ≤ j n [n(n +1)/2 + 1] + c62 ≤ j n [n(n − 1)/2] + c72 ≤ j n [n(n − 1)/2] + c8 (n − 1)

T(n) = (c5/2 + c6/2 + c7/2) n2 + (c1 + c2 + c4 + c5/2 − c6/2 − c7/2 + c8) n − (c2 + c4 + c5 + c8)

This running time can be expressed as (an2 + bn + c) for constants a, b, and c that again depend on the statement costs ci. Therefore, T(n) is a quadratic function of n.

Here the punch line is that the worst-case occurs, when line 5 executed j times for each j. This can happens if array A starts out in reverse order

T(n) = an2 + bn + c = O(n2)

Average Case

On average, the key in A[j] is less than half the elements in A[1 .. j 1] and it is greater than the other half. It implies that on average, the while loop has to look halfway through the sorted subarray A[1 .. j1] to decide where to drop key. This means that tj  = j/2.

Although the average-case running time is approximately half of the worst-case running time, it is still a quadratic function of n.